Real estate
How can I increase the cadastral income from my property?
April 6, 2023
Cadastral income is a tax assessment of a property's rental value of a property. In France, it is used to calculate property and housing taxes. For real estate investors, an increase in cadastral income can be beneficial, as it can reduce the tax burden and increase rental yields.
Cadastral income is calculated by the French tax authorities. It is based on the rental value of the property, which is itself assessed according to various criteria, such as :
The calculation of cadastral income also takes into account other factors, such as the amenities, facilities and public services available in the neighborhood where the property is located.
Increasing cadastral income offers multiple advantages for real estate investors. First and foremost, it reduces the tax burden, as property tax and council tax are calculated on the basis of cadastral income. It can also increase rental yields by enabling higher rents to be set, thereby improving the profitability of the real estate investment. A higher cadastral income can also increase the resale value of the property, making it more attractive to potential buyers. Finally, improving the overall quality of the property through increased cadastral income can improve tenant satisfaction and reduce the costs associated with finding new tenants and managing tenant relations. In short, increasing cadastral income is a wise choice for real estate investors.
There are several strategies for increasing the cadastral income from your property in France. Here are some of the most common options:
It's important to remember that all these strategies can have associated costs, and it's important to carefully calculate the costs and benefits of each before making a decision.
In conclusion, cadastral income is an important consideration for real estate investors in France. Increasing cadastral income can offer tax benefits and higher rental yields, but it often requires investment of time and money. By understanding the calculation of cadastral income, the benefits of increasing it and the different strategies for achieving it, property investors can make informed decisions to maximize the value of their real estate investment.
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